Saturday, June 24, 2006

hello hello hello

this is a dying blogggg. how now brown cows?!

seems like everyone is busy with something. lionel and ee yang are still slaving for the german boss, weiliat going out with different girls everyday and 'unintentionally' pang sehing bball sessions *tsk tsk* haha, shixiu doing business and i don't mean shitting, kelvin playing bball everyday, wang is probably working like a cow again, jieming betting his life savings on soccer hoping he'll never need to study again once he hits the jackpot.. while i have been counting cars since wednesday. some top secret job for oooooosama so please keep your mouths shut.

ntu is starting school on 4th aug. not sure about nus, but let's meet up before school starts man.. unless, you have already signed up for some freshmen camps thinking that you may have a chance with some hot 1987 jc chicks.

alrights, time to sleep! note that the time is 11am. :D


:::: KelviN :::: said...

hmmm hot 1987 jc chicks...never thought of that...dat makes them 19 years i feel old..

wow it could be those secondary 1 chicks when i was in sec 3...wonder how they have blossomed...

oh noooo..horny thoughts.....

hj said...
