MY DIVING TRIP**updated**
Friday Night
Crashed at MERSING "HOTEL"
3 person shared one room...
i shared it with a couple
so i had to be contended with the single bed on the side
wonder why the couple that share the room with me estill seemed tired the next day...
Bright and hot...
Great for a nice tan...
Boat ride took me 2 hours...
had lunch after reaching there...
lunch was crappy...
so was the room
or bunk...
and there r like 6 double deckers in the room
with one communal toilet
fine..since 3/4 of the day we will be diving in the nice blue ocean...
got this fat angmoh guy( the one in red )..he can dive without a wet suit (supposed to keep u warm)...hmm i wonder why...
was kinda the highlight of my entire dive trip
never get to see one so close..
and this turtle was vv comfortable with us circling it and taking shots of it
this has algae growing on its shell...
and some of us will be blowing out bubbles into the other's face so cannot really grab a nice shot
thats where we take a shower after returning from the ocean
***Hey guys if u guys still patrolling this blog
do drop a shout-out at the tag-box...
nice to know still got pple checking out this blog...
supply needs demand...hahaha
hope you guys are doing fine
Congrats to those with good grades for last sem
and jiayou to those who like me, screwed up their last sem exams....=( cheers!!!!
B-shift rocks forever
THanks to those who drop their well-wishes for me on 28th may
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