wasssup. updates from the east side. repping 1/3 of the ops room
Hi guys, this is small tan. a.k.a Aaron Tan. currently in SMU taking (dying) in accountancy. Check me out nowww see the difference man. How ive evolved.

2008 march 2007 march 2006 march
well similar to wang, ever since i left FDS, small tan is not a name im used to hearing anymore. havent met any FDS people recently. Initially a few of our men were working in the computer servicing office in my school, ying yong the ex OC PA is currently taking accountancy degree with me, still see each other and wave to each other. that bugger is damn ji hong, everyday he will go gym everyday see him with different cha bor.
oh yeah i was with shaun (small head) in the last few months also, ever since i taught him to break some strange night when we stayed in army, life hasnt been the same. he's still one of my bestest buddies now. eh.. show u guys a pic of him and his char bor .
<--- oops thats me. upload wrong pic
hahaha and the pic of him and his cha bor sux. oops.
oh well . you get the idea la. anyway he recently headed back to new zealand again. he comes back every nov - feb for his holiday. so who free end of this year hook up with him la.
2007 dec fotos See his ah beng tail.
Still wear air force singlet wan!
can add me on msn baddoggie85@hotmail.com
or him, swampy52@hotmail.com
meanwhile, not much has changed for me ,i still short, still fit, still dont go gym but can do > 20 pull ups. still cant jump , still cant run. still no cha bor. still break dance.
here's a clip of me vs vietnam just taken last saturday. --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOYl_IxQDWU
peace out u guys.
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